Basic Spanish
Español BásicoSpanish Basic is the foundational Spanish language for the learner with minimal or no experience in Spanish. This level introduces the learner to basic meet and greet, introductions, talking formally…
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Novice Spanish
ESPAÑOL PRINCIPIANTEWelcome to the Novice level! This level is an important benchmark and a bridge to the Intermediate level. To acquire the novice level, the learner has a basic foundational knowledge…
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Intermediate Spanish
Español IntermediarioWelcome to the Spanish Intermediate Level! This is the 3rd level of Spanish. In this level, the learner will develop more in-depth topics, will listen, and read passages in Spanish,…
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Advanced Spanish
Español AvanzadoThis level focuses on deepening the skills on fluency in speaking, reading, listening and extended writing. The Spanish Advanced level emphasizes providing details when speaking such as time reference, space,…
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