Intermediate French

About This Course

  • 3 Modules
  • 36 Lessons

Welcome to the French Intermediate Level! This is the 3rd level of French. In this level, the learner will develop more in-depth topics, will listen, and read passages in French, short stories and will watch short movies as well. Furthermore, the learner will strengths the communication skills in French by giving a coherent answer and providing more details such as actions, time, space, feelings, and emotions. It is recommended to complete the Novice Level (level 2) prior to exploring the Intermediate Level.  A variety of topics are included in the Intermediate level. Such examples include actions in the past, narration in the past, developing reading skills in French, talking about human body, routine, house parts, chores, appliances, traveling, etc. This level is divided in 3 sublevels, such as Intermediate Low, Intermediate Medium and Intermediate High totaling 36 lessons.

French INTERMEDIATE LOW: 12 lessons
Leçon 1
”Où est-il”? Where is it?
Leçon 2
”Parlons du transport.” Let’s talk about transportation.
Leçon 3
”Mon corps.” My body .
Leçon 4
”As-tu des symptômes” Do you have symptoms?
Leçon 5
”Dans la cuisine.” In the kitchen
Leçon 6
”Le lion, le puma et le tigre.” The lion, the puma and the tiger.
Leçon 7
”As-tu compris tout?” Did you understand everything?
Leçon 8
”Comment prendre soin des plantes?” How do we take care of plants?
Leçon 9
”L’histoire de telephone.” The telephone’s history.
Leçon 10
”Qui a ouvert la porte?” Who opened the door?
Leçon 11
”La beauté des poissons” The beauty of the fishes.
Leçon 12
”Quand j’étais enfant.” When I was a child.
French INTERMEDIATE MEDIUM: 12 lessons
Leçon 1
”Ma maison est ta maison, aussi”. My house is  also your house.
Leçon 2
”Mes tâches domestiques.” My house chores.
Leçon 3
”Mes cinq sens.” Reading: My five senses.
Leçon 4
”Le bel été.” The beautiful summer.
Leçon 5
”¿Q’est-ce qu’as-tu fait” What did you do?
Leçon 6
”Combien de temps?” How long ago?
Leçon 9
”Quel place as-tu gagné?” What place did you win?
Leçon 7
”Le pétit déjeuner, le déjeuner, le goûter et le dinner.” “Breakfast, Lunch, Snack and Dinner”
Leçon 8
”L’addition, s’il vous plaît” Check, please!
Leçon 10
”Un jour horrible dans la vie de Michel”. A horrible day in Michael’s life.
Leçon 11
”Les animaux bebés” The baby animals.
Leçon 12
”J’aurai beaucoup des choses à faire” I will have a lot of things to do.
French INTERMEDIATE HIGH: 10 lessons
Leçon 1
”Dans la salle de bain” In the bathroom.
Leçon 2
”Ma routine quotidienne.” (1) My daily routine.
Leçon 3
”Ma routine d’hier.” (2) My yesterday’s routine.
Leçon 4
”Achetons des appareils électromenagérs!” Let’s buy appliances
Leçon 5
”Je veux que tu sois heureux!” I want you to be happy!
Leçon 6
”Mes pénsees et me doutes.” My thoughts and my doubts.
Leçon 7
”Qué ferais tu?.” What would you do?
Leçon 8
”Quel travail aimes-tu?” What job do you like?
Leçon 9
”À l’aerport.” Reading: At the airport.
Leçon 10
”Paris, je t’aime!” Reading: “Paris, I love you!”
Leçon 11
”Decouvrons le Québec!” Let’s discover Quebec!
Leçon 12
”Invitations à parler en français!” Invitations to talk in French!
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