Advanced Italian

About This Course

  • 3 Modules
  • 19 Lessons

This level focuses on deepening the skills on fluency on speaking, reading, listening and extended writing. The Italian Advanced level emphasizes providing details when speaking such as time reference, space, actions, future, etc. It is preferable to complete the Intermediate level before taking the Advanced level. This level also strengths the ability to express extended answers or details on how to provide answers in present, past and future. Additionally, culture aspects reading will be highly empathized such as readings about different Italian speaking regions and countries, topics of world interest such as global climate, international relations, debates, etc.  The Advanced level is divided in 3 sublevels such as Advanced Low, Advanced Medium, Advanced High in a total of 19 lessons.

Italian Advanced Low: 8 lessons
Lezione 1
 “Se tu fossi” If you were…
Lezione 2
”Appena ho perso I documenti” I just lost my documents.
Lezione 3
”La belleza di San Marino” The beauty of San Marino
Lezione 4
“Viva Italia!” Long live Italy!
Lezione 5
”Vestiti tradizionali italiani.” Traditional Italian clothing.
Lezione 6
”Milano: la capitale di moda italiana” Milan: the capital of Italian fashion..
lezione 7
”Palermo e Napoli: Dove nasce la Mafia italiana!” Palermo and Napoli: Where Italian Mafia is born!
Lezione 8
”Invitazioni per parlare in italiano.” Invitation to talk in Italian.
Italian Advanced Medium: 6 lessons
Lezione 1
Belle isole italiane: Sicilia e Sardegna.” Beautiful Italian islands: Sicily and Sardegna.
Lezione 2
”Facciamo un dibato!” Let’s debate!
Lezione 3
”Proteggiamo il nostro pianeta! Let’s protect our planet!
Lezione 4
”La vita di Leonardo da Vinci” The life of Leonardo da Vinci
Lezione 5
”I re del’ Imperio Romano” (1) The kings of Roman Empire.
Lezione 6
”I re del’ Imperio Romano.” (2) The kings of Roman Empire.
Italian Advanced High: 5 lessons
Lezione 1
”Gli italiani in Svizzera” Italians in Switzerland.
Lezione 2
”Festivals et traditions dans le monde francophone.” Festivals and traditions in the Francophone world.
Lezione 3
”Come scrivere una composizione o un email un italiano.” How to write a composition or an email in Italian.
Lezione 4
”Dei pittori italiani celebri.” Famous Italian painters.
Lezione 5
”Una breve storia della pizza e della pasta italiana.” A short history of the Italian pizza and pasta.
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