Advanced French

About This Course

  • 3 Modules
  • 20 Lessons

This level focuses on deepening the skills on fluency on speaking, reading, listening and extended writing. The French Advanced level emphasizes providing details when speaking such as time reference, space, actions, future, etc. It is preferable to complete the Intermediate level before taking the Advanced level. This level also strengths the ability to express extended answers or details on how to provide answers in present, past and future. Additionally, culture aspects reading will be highly empathized such as readings about different Francophone countries, topics of world interest such as global climate, international relations, debates, etc.  The Advanced level is divided in 3 sublevels such as Advanced Low, Advanced Medium, Advanced High in a total of 20 lessons.

French Advanced Low: 8 lessons
Leçon 1
“Où est-tu allé?” Where did you go?
Leçon 2
”Je viens de perdre mes documents.” I just lost my documents.
Leçon 3
”La beauté de Sénegal” The beauty of Sénegal!
Leçon 4
 “Vive la France!” Long live France!
Leçon 5
”Vêtements traditionnales français” Traditional French clothing
Leçon 6
“La haute couture française” French high fashion.
Leçon 7
”Belgique: la capitale de chocolat!” Belgium: chocolate’s capital.
Leçon 8
”Invitations à parler en français” Invitation to talk in French.
French Advanced Medium: 6 lessons
Leçon 1
”En route vers  Monaco” On the way to Monaco.
Leçon 2
”Faisons-nous un débat!” Let’s debate!
Leçon 3
”Protégeons notre planète! Let’s protect our planet!
Leçon 4
”Histoire secrete: Le roi Louis XIV”                                        Hidden history: Louie 14th the King.
Leçon 5
”Royaume français: La vie de Napoleon Bonaparte” The French kingdom:  The life of Napoleon Boanaparte
Leçon 6
”La langue française n Afrique.” French language in Africa
French Advanced High: 6 lessons
Leçon 1
”Corsique: une ’île française” Corsica: a French island.
Leçon 2
”Festivals et traditions dans le monde francophone.” Festivals and traditions in the Francophone world.
Leçon 3
”Comment écrire une composition et un e-mail en français.” How to write a composition or an email in French.
Leçon 4
”Peintres  français célèbrs.” Famous French painters.
Leçon 5
”Une visite au musée du Louvre” A visit to Louvre museum.
Leçon 6
”Lecture: Beni ou le paradis privé” Reading: Beni or the private paradis.
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