Novice French

About This Course

  • 3 Modules
  • 32 Lessons

Welcome to the Novice level! This level is an important benchmark and a bridge to the Intermediate level. To acquire the novice level, the learner has a basic foundational knowledge in French covered in the Basic level. The Novice level includes 32 lessons that are preparing the learner for understanding, familiarizing, and applying extended vocabulary words, as well as understanding the structure of the language. The conversations are more detailed and develop an extended personal answer. At the completion of this level, the learner can hold a conversation with short but extended answers, making questions, talk about more detailed topics (measurements, shapes, sizes, fruits, vegetables, places to go, actions, daily routine, feelings, locations, etc.), integrates phrases in day-to-day life, has a foundational based of writing sentences in French, as well as reading short sentences and short paragraphs. This level is divided in three sub levels: Low, Medium and High.

French Novice Low: 12 lessons.
Leçon 1
”L’anniversaire de Zorille.”  Zorrilla’s birthday.
Leçon 2
”Est-ce que tu aimes les fruits?”  Do you like fruits?
Leçon 3
”Mangeons de legumes et des herbes” Let’s eat and vegetables and herbs!
Leçon 4
”C’est comment?” How is it?
Leçon 5
”De quoi as-tu besion?” What do you need?
Leçon 6
”Quelle est cette forme?” What is this shape?
Leçon 7
”Comment poser des questions en français?” How to make questions in French?
Leçon 8
”Comprends bien le français?” Do you understand French well?
Leçon 9
”Les jouets ou les jeux des société?” Toys or board games?
Leçon 10
Qu’est-ce que tu choisis?” What do you choose?
Leçon 11
”Je veux aller au zoo” (1) I want to go to the zoo (1)
Leçon 12
”Je veux aller au zoo”(2) I want to go the zoo (2)
French Novice Medium: 10 lessons
Leçon 1
”Les contraires” The opposites
Leçon 2
”Quelles matières scolaires aimes-tu?” What school subjects do you like?
Leçon 3
”Quel instrument aimes-tu jouer?” What instruments do you like to play?
Leçon 4
”Quelle heure est-it?” What time is it?
Leçon 5
”Quels sont les sports qu’aimes-tu?” What sports do you like?
Leçon 6
”Où allez-vous?” Where are you all going?
Leçon 7
”Sur la table” On the table
Leçon 8
”Devoir, Vouloir,  Pouvoir” “Must, Want, Can”
Leçon 9
”Monuments célèbres autour de monde.” Famous monuments around the world.
Leçon 10
”Faisons un gâteau”  What place did you get?
French Novice High: 10 lessons
Leçon 1
”Qu’est-ce qu’as-tu?” What’s wrong?
Leçon 2
”Que fais-tu?” What are you doing?
Leçon 3
”Invitations” Invitations
Leçon 4
”En comptant jusqu’à 1000” Counting up to 1,000.
Leçon 5
”Où allons-nous?” Where are we going?
Leçon 6
”Les comparaisons “(1) Comparisons (1)
Leçon 7
”Les comparaison” (2) Comparisons (2)
Leçon 8
”Lisons sur les arbres” Let’s read about the trees
Leçon 9
”La beauté des oiseaux” The beauty of birds.
Leçon 10
”As-tu travaillé aujourd-hui?” Did you work today?
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